
BrainHack Nordic 2024 general information

View the Project on GitHub openneuropet/BrainHack-Nordic

Join the 3rd edition of BrainHack Nordic: 22-23-24 January

The OpenNeuroPET project is organizing a physical BrainHack in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Please register here


Monday 22th of January: BIDS Educational Day

This day is devoted to onboarding and training for researchers covering the basics of the BIDS standard, as well as more focused hands-on sessions in the afternoon. While being educational, this remains BrainHack, so feel free to bring along data to curate them, or try BIDS apps.

The Educational Day can be attended independently if you do not wish to remain for the rest of BrainHack.

23rd and 24th January: Hackathon/Unconference

These days are devoted to projects, getting help with applying lessons learned during the BIDS educational day, or anything else you want, in total unconference style.

–> book your travel and accommodation (i.e. from your own budget); we have secured the hackathon room in a nice hotel and we have the breakfast and lunch covered :-)

–> more information on the Brainhack-Nordic2024 GitHub repo


Hotel Scandic Sydhavnen


OpenNeuroPET is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, please read our code of conduct.


This event is sponsored by the Novo Nordisk foundation