Data Curation made easy
Automated Data Curation and Validation
Check the BIDS Specification Access tools
Research findings can be difficult to replicate, partly because of inconsistencies in data acquisition, preprocessing, and analysis. Our research seeks to understand the source of these discrepancies for PET imaging, focusing primarily on standardization: how are neuroimaging data acquired, documented, analysed, and archived. Such work helps establish data sharing pipelines, which in turn enables replication and increases sample sizes. The primary objective of OpenNeuro PET is data sharing, either Openly with OpenNeuro (CC0 licence) or Pulicly with Public-nEUro (Data access control and Data User Agreement to comply with EU-GDPR). Beside working on those data repositories, we also developped the PET2BIDS converter to help researchers curate their data and make them BIDS compliant. Our secondary objective is to develop tools for automated QC and template building. OpenNeuroPET is a collaboration between the Neurobiology Research Unit (NRU) at Copenhagen University Hospital, NIMH, MGH and Stanford University.
It is funded through the BRAIN Initiative grant # 1R24MH120004-01A1 and the Novo Nordisk Foundation grant # NN20OC0063277.
All PET data are findable and accessible via the OpenNeuro portal
Interested in sharing under GDPR? check out our Public-nEUro repositorie
Use our BIDS converter to prepare your data. The BIDS validator will highlight remaining issues.
Shared data can be analyzed on our computational platform using predefined pipelines or uploading your own container [work in progress].
We particpate and organize many scientific events. All of your activities are open, check out the outreach repository here or access our outreach page .
It won't be the annoying weekly/monthy emails that clutter your email box. When important things happen (e.g. major update, new tool, workshop) we'll let you know.
By subscribing you consent for Open NeuroPET to keep your email address for the purpose of news communication. Only your email is recorded and kept for as long as the project is running. It will not be shared by other parties, there is no other data processor than the Open NeuroPET team. You can withdraw at any time by sending us an email.