Welcome to Open NeuroPET

Share, Curate and Analyze
Brain Positron Emission Tomography Data
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Data Curation made easy

Automated Data Curation and Validation
Check the BIDS Specification Access tools

Brain PET analysis pipelines

Share and get automated QC
or run your own analyses
Learn More Analyze here
Automated data processing

PET Quality Control

Sharing curated data is useful for many reasons, from educational purposes to enabling new research or mega-analyses. An important aspect of data aggregation is Quality Control. As part of OpenNeuroPET, we aim to create automated QC that will run on all PET datasets. The goal is not to classify or quantify the quality of datasets, indeed a dataset is as good as the research question of interest. The idea is rather to produce a set of useful values to include in future analyses.

Get in touch with the team - we are interested in using avaialble tools and metrics - let's build things together.

Automated data processing

PET Pipelines

We are also preparing a computational platform!

On that platform we plan to run automated QC, but also ready made processing pipelines, via BrainLife.io or using containerized applications. The idea is to facilitate data processing and develop standard tools.

You have a pipeline already! fantastic, why not containerize it and run it on the platform. You could also make it available to others!